Yii2 Toastr

Simple flash toastr notifications for Yii2.


Yii2 Toastr uses Toastr
Demo: https://codeseven.github.io/toastr/demo.html


Package is available on Packagist, you can install it using Composer.

composer require diecoding/yii2-toastr "^1.0"

or add to the require section of your composer.json file.

"diecoding/yii2-toastr": "^1.0"




Add ToastrFlash to your layout or view file, example in file views\layouts\main.php

Layouts/Views Simple Usage

use diecoding\toastr\ToastrFlash;


Layouts/Views Advanced Usage

use diecoding\toastr\ToastrFlash;

    "typeDefault"       => ToastrFlash::TYPE_INFO,            // (string) default `ToastrFlash::TYPE_INFO`
    "titleDefault"      => "",                                // (string) default `""`
    "messageDefault"    => "",                                // (string) default `""`
    "closeButton"       => false,                             // (bool) default `false`
    "debug"             => false,                             // (bool) default `false`
    "newestOnTop"       => true,                              // (bool) default `true`
    "progressBar"       => true,                              // (bool) default `true`
    "positionClass"     => ToastrFlash::POSITION_TOP_RIGHT,   // (string) default `ToastrFlash::POSITION_TOP_RIGHT`
    "preventDuplicates" => true,                              // (bool) default `true`
    "showDuration"      => 300,                               // (int|null) default `300` in `ms`, `null` for skip
    "hideDuration"      => 1000,                              // (int|null) default `1000` in `ms`, `null` for skip
    "timeOut"           => 5000,                              // (int|null) default `5000` in `ms`, `null` for skip
    "extendedTimeOut"   => 1000,                              // (int|null) default `1000` in `ms`, `null` for skip
    "showEasing"        => "swing",                           // (string) default `swing`, `swing` and `linear` are built into jQuery
    "hideEasing"        => "swing",                           // (string) default `swing`, `swing` and `linear` are built into jQuery
    "showMethod"        => "slideDown",                       // (string) default `slideDown`, `fadeIn`, `slideDown`, and `show` are built into jQuery
    "hideMethod"        => "slideUp",                         // (string) default `slideUp`, `hide`, `fadeOut` and `slideUp` are built into jQuery
    "tapToDismiss"      => true,                              // (bool) default `true`
    "escapeHtml"        => true,                              // (bool) default `true`
    "rtl"               => false,                             // (bool) default `false`
    "skipCoreAssets"    => false,                             // (bool) default `false`, `true` if use custom or external toastr assets
    "options"           => [],                                // (array) default `[]`, Custom Toastr options and override default options


Just use Yii::$app->session->setFlash($type, $message) like as usual alert

Controllers Simple Usage

Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', 'Message');

or if use multiple flash in same session

Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', ['Message 1', 'Message 2', 'Message 3']);

Controllers Advanced Usage

Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', [['Title', 'Message']]);

or if use multiple flash in same session

Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', [['Title 1', 'Message 1'], ['Title 2', 'Message 2'], ['Title 3', 'Message 3']]);